The Zone

The world’s first television game show where the contestants can play from their own living room!

Short Promo The Zone Pilot - 2'40"

The Zone Pilot - 21'37"

The Zone

Welcome to The Zone: the world’s first television game show where the contestants can play from their own living room!

Fast games in never seen before format

Anybody can play in this fun-packed, fast-paced, revolutionary game show! For the first time anybody can play from anywhere: their home, office, favorite cafeteria, the beach, anywhere! And it is still a television show!

In each show 5 contestants play against each other, answering general knowledge questions. In the end game, the winner must answer a number of visual puzzles to win a grand prize.

Multi Platform

The Zone is in and of itself a multi platform game, with great website and community-building possibilities.

Software Package

The Zone comes with an extensive software package, making the production both easy and very affordable!

Promo The Zone Pilot - 7'33"

Behind the scenes - 1'33"